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Parachute Games


Number Trade:

   Count off numbers by fours, as the group holds the parachute in a circle formation. The instructor counts: "one, two, three"and the parachute is raised up. The leader calls out a number while the parachute is up high. The children with the called out number changes places by running under the parachute to the other side to a new position, while the rest of the group holds the parachute up. After several called numbers, try calling two numbers like 2 and 4. It becomes challenging.  The more numbers called the more fun it is to make it to the other side before the parachute comes down.

Race to the Other Side:

 Divide the class into two teams.  Similar to Number Trade, each team counts off numbers 1 to 4. When all lift the parachute, a number is called like 1 and all one's changes places by going under the chute.  The first team to reach the other side, scores a point for their team.  Play till one team reaches ten points.

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Woodchuck Pattern


Directions:  Divide the class into two groups.   Group #1 learns the “Woodchuck Chant”

Group #2 learns the “chuck a” part.  

The following pattern is used:  Group #1 - How much wood would a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck would chuck wood?

 Group #2 - Chucka, chucka, chucka, chucka (continuously said over and over).

 Groups #1 and #2 - Both parts are said at the same time.

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Why Should You Be Spending Time Helping Children Discover Music?

Here are a few important reasons:
   - Dancing to music and making music releases stress and energy
   - Music gives children a way to express their emotions
   - Music makes learning fun
   - Learning music teaches listening skills
   - Music provides a pleasant background for regular activities
   - Music helps develop children’s language skills
   - Music helps develop children's self-esteem.
   - Music helps develop children's math skills.
   - Music helps stimulate children's brain connections
   - Music and movement go together
   - Music makes transitions easier
   - Music encourages creativity in children
   - Music is a great way to teach children with special needs
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Cooperative Action Games

Paper Plate Disk Toss -- This activity promotes group cooperation, competition, and hand/eye coordination.  Place a garbage can or box in the middle of the circle.  Have children write their names on their paper plate.  Children are in a circle 3 or 4 feet from the garbage can or box.  At the signal, the children have 2 minutes to throw the paper plate in the garbage can or box as many times as possible.  Whether they miss or get it in, they get their paper plate, return to the circle to try again and again for 2 minutes.  The total amount is the winner.

Blanketball -- This activity also promotes group cooperation and to enjoy it. Use an old sheet and have 2 groups.  Team one holds one side of the sheet and team two the other side.  Place a nerd ball on the sheet.  The teams carefully shake the sheet so the ball goes to the other side of the sheet.  After practicing awhile, try a game.  When the ball goes off a team's side, the other team gets a point.  Try 3 points to win.

Ring On A String -- This activity involves cooperation and coordination.  Take string and make a large circle of string with it and tie the ends together.  Make sure you place a ring or something small and round in the string like the ring from a keychain.  Select one to be placed in the circle and child covers his eyes until the class counts to ten.  While the counting is happening, the ring is slide around on the string until ten and then that child hides it as the child grabs it. child has guesses with 3 for smaller groups and 5 for larger groups to find the child who has the string.  It's a fun activity.


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