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Praise is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary (2000) as “the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation.”  Praise statements indicate that an adult’s preferences have been followed and often begin with the phrase “I like…” Teachers use praise to foster a students’ sense of “self-esteem, autonomy (independence or freedom, as of the will or one’s actions), self-reliance, achievement and motivation for learning.” Praise is often given at the conclusion of a task for work that is considered “well done.”


The last time I asked for different way to praise children:  (ask)

A pat on the back, hand, on the shoulder

A smile and friendly eye contact

“I can see that you have really worked hard on this.”

“I’d love to hear about what you have been doing.”

“This looks really interesting to me.”

“That is very creative!  How did you decide to do that?”

“I’d like to try that too.”

“You did a great job.”

“That’s different than your last one.  How did you change it?

“You must feel very proud.”



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