Game #1-Dress the Mummy Required: Rolls of toilet paper
Players: Small to large groups Set up teams with 2-4 players on each team. One child on each team will be the “mummy” and each team will be given 2 rolls of toilet paper. They will have 5 minutes to complete the game. The team players are to circle around the “mummy” and pass the toilet paper to each other while wrapping the mummy SELECTED in it. The teacher will be the judge and decide which team has created the best mummy design or have the rest of the class watching vote.
Game #2 – Gum Game Required: Clean garden gloves, packs of gum
Players: Small to large groups few pieces Set up teams of five. Each team will receive one pair of new garden or rubber gloves plus one pack of gum (5 piece pack). On go, the first child in each team is to put on the garden or rubber gloves, open the package of gum, pull out a piece, unwrap it, chew it, and then pass the gloves to the next person. The first team to complete the task wins.
Game #3 – Moo Game Required: Just Children
Players: Small to medium groups Pick a child to stand outside the room, while the rest of the group forms a circle. The teacher gives directions to the group that they are going to “MOO” two times, as loud as they could at the count of three, but to not “MOO” the third time. The child waiting outside enters and stands inside the circle. The teacher tells the child in the circle to join in “MOOing” but needs to also listen for the loudest “MOO.” The teacher counts to three and everyone starts their “MOOs.” The child in the middle will join in “MOOing” and listen. At the third “MOO,” the group does not “MOO” but the child in the circle does. Thus, the child in the middle is the loudest. It’s really funny.
Game #4 – Circle of Friends Required: Just Children
Players: Large group This is a great greeting and departure for a large group and a chance of meeting other children in the room. Form two large circles with the inside circle facing the other outside circle. Ask the circles to take one step in the opposite directions, allowing them to meet each child as the circle continues to move very slowly. All the children have to do is to introduce their selves. If using a 2 lines are formed, they simply keep the line moving very slowly, as they introduce themselves.
Game #5 – Copycat Rainstorm Required: Just Children
Players: Large group The group forms a circle and the teacher stands in the circle. Everyone imitates the teacher. The teacher completes the circle eight times doing the following:
- Rubbing lightly his/her hands together and turning around slowly in a circle.
- Snapping fingers and turning around slowly in a circle.
- Slapping thighs and turning around slowly in a circle.
- Slapping thighs and stamping feet and turning around slowly in a circle.
- Slapping thighs and turning around slowly in a circle.
- Snapping fingers and turning around slowly in a circle.
- Rubbing lightly his/her hands together and turning around slowly in a circle.
- Turn to silence and the copycat rainstorm is over.
Game #6– Timely Chatting Required: Just Children
Players: Small groups Arrange chairs in pairs to face each other and scatter them around the room. Before the music begins, the teacher has twelve theme pictures numbered. The teacher rolls the dice to see which picture number is selected. The themes numbered may show your favorite foods, your favorite movie, what is in your kitchen at home, your favorite children’s TV program, your favorite game, etc. The children are instructed to sit down when the music begins and to start talking about the subject selected. When the music stops, they must stand up. The next round begins, as children sit in different chairs with a new partner. The dice is rolled and a different theme is shown.
Game #7 – First Name Required: Just Children
Players: Small groups The teacher introduces the game with the phrase, “Hello. My name’s Bill and we’re going on a picnic! I’m going to bring bologna.” Each child must use the first letter of their name and match it with something to bring on a picnic. The child must remember what the teacher said and add their thought. This continues as it accumulates what each child has said.
Game #8 – Don’t Say the Same Thing Required: Just Children
Players: Small groups It begins with the first child saying two things they have done today like I ate breakfast and I put on my pants. The next child must do the same thing but cannot say the same thing said.
Game #9 – Musical Chair Questions Required: Just Children and Chairs
Players: Small groups (If there are large groups, make two circles) The whole class sits in a circle. One child is selected to stand in the circle. The teacher has questions to ask the group like: “Do you have a brother or a sister?” If the child sitting does have a brother or sister, they exchange seats. The child standing can now try to seat down. The one left standing waits for the next question, as the fun begins again. The teacher is creative with the questions. Other questions: “Did you drink milk, today?” “Who likes vanilla ice cream?” Who has an “A” in their name?” “Who likes broccoli?” Did you drink orange juice today? Did your mom drive her car more than 5 miles to get here today?
Game #10 – Crumbled Names Required: Just Children and Chairs
Players: Large group Each child writes their name on a piece of paper, crumbles it up, and each throws it in a large empty box. The children stand behind a masking tape line. The teacher empties the box on the floor. At the teacher’s “go” signal, the children run to the crumbled papers to try to find their name. The first child to find their name, runs it to the teacher, and wins the game.