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Using Ribbons to Teach Math

Length Ribbon Activity – In a container, cut different lengths of ribbons and place them in that container. Have each child pick out a piece of ribbon and pull it out.  Challenge the children to put in order the shortest piece of ribbon first to the longest piece.  Use scotch tape.  This experience can be simpler by limiting the ribbon used or more challenging by adding more ribbons.
Polka Dot Ribbon Math Activity – Display a ribbon with a dot.  Use the marker and place more than one dot on each ribbon.  Again place the ribbons in a container and have the children pull one out.  Invite children to count their ribbon dots.  Make a group of four and have the children count all the dots.  You can add different designs like flowers, circles, squares, etc.  You can add different colored marker dots and have the children count the different colors.  You can mix the dots, numbers, squares or designs.

Spool Activity – Place different lengths of ribbons on the spools and have the children guess which ribbon lengths are longer or shorter.

Ribbon Guess Activity – Use see-through container or sandwich bag, invite children to guess or estimate how many ribbons are in the container.  You can add different colors into the container or even buttons.

Ribbons Guess – In a plastic see-through container or sandwich bag, invite children to guess or estimate how  many ribbons are in the container.  You can add different colors into the
container or even buttons.
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