Praise is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary as “the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation.” Praise statements indicate that an adult’s preferences have been followed and often begin with the phrase “I like…” Teachers use praise to foster a students’ sense of “self-esteem, autonomy (independence or freedom, as of the will or one’s actions), self-reliance, achievement and motivation for learning.” Praise is often given at the conclusion of a task for work that is considered “well done.”
Flattery is undeserved praise, and is usually general in nature. For example, when Grandma comes over and says, “Son, you are so handsome and smart, too,” that is flattery. Praise, on the other hand, is specific and well-deserved positive reinforcement. “Mark, I really like the way you kept your room clean all day today.”
Respect and praise support children’s growing sense of themselves and encourages positive behaviors. – Nancy Golden
Teacher Quotes:
You can’t direct the wind but you can adjust the sails.
The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.
Great teachers empathize with kids, respect them and believe that each one has something special that can be built upon.
Education should turn out the child with something they know well and something they can do well.
Learning is never done without errors and defeat.
Remember, when we only see the negative, the negative keeps growing! Children need attention; they crave it. And if ‘doing well’ isn’t getting it, the children will find some other method of meeting their needs – and those choices usually drive us crazy!
The good things seem to slip by without notice because it is a relief to not have to deal with behaviors. Sit back without blinders and really watch children. See what he/she really does throughout the day. Don’t take things for granted! SEE it and PRAISE it! Build up the child’s self-esteem.