Parachute Games
Number Trade:
Count off numbers by fours, as the group holds
the parachute in a circle formation. The instructor counts: “one, two, three”and the parachute is raised up. The leader calls out a number while the parachute is up high. The children with the called out number changes places by running under the parachute to the other side to a new position, while the rest of the
group holds the parachute up. After
several called numbers, try calling two numbers like 2 and 4. It becomes challenging. The more numbers called the more fun it is to make it to
the other side before the parachute comes down.
Race to the Other Side:
the class into two teams. Similar to Number Trade, each team counts off numbers 1 to 4. When all lift the parachute, a number is called like 1 and all one’s changes places by going under the chute. The
first team to reach the other side, scores a point for their team. Play till one
team reaches ten points.