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4.  Dramatic Play Activities help children express themselves, practice life skills, improve social skills, increase self-esteem, build vocabulary and solve problems.  Dramatic play is also a whole lot of fun!  Other benefits of play in the classroom include:  Physical: increase in strength, overall fitness, motor skill development, health; Cognitive: increase in skills such as problem solving, creative thinking, planning, organizing, language, and overall academic success; Social and Emotional: enhanced development of cooperation, sharing, turn taking, increase in social values and self esteem and practice of appropriate social roles.

 Goals/Skills found in dramatic play:

      -The child understands and experiences the adult world through imitation

-The child learns to express feelings and emotions

-The teacher assists the child in better understanding of their world

-The child experiences “a sense of power” by imitating grown-ups

-The child develops creativity and imagination

-The experiences and sees different kinds of roles in life

      -The child improvises and understands abstract thinking of their level

 Examples of activities:

Picture Foods.  Sort through your old magazines or newspapers and cut out pictures of foods to put onto paper plates to encourage imaginary.   Sing “I found a ….!”

Mirror Dancing. Singing and dancing in front of the mirror

Other suggestions for Creating Dramatic Play for the classroom:

  • Build around themes
  • Collect inexpensive play materials
  • Designate a specific play area in the classroom
  • Allow adequate time for play experiences
  • Encourage children to be creative with play themes
  • Add literacy/print experiences to every play
  • Add items to promote character development and behaviors

Part 5 next week

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