Keeping Kids Safe from Harm (Internet Dangers)-Part 6
It is easy to type the wrong letters and go into internet and see things they should not see. Some parents can block this area on the computer which will allow kids to be blocked from this danger!
As we continue to keep kids safe, it is important to note the types of dangers that children may be susceptible to on the Internet and to deal with the areas not appropriate for children include:
•nudity or other sexually explicit material
•hate group or racist web sites
•promotional material about tobacco, alcohol, or drugs
•graphic violence
•information on satanic or cult groups
•Cyber Stalking for child pornography is frequently exchanged via the Internet and sexual predators can use the Internet to try to reach out to children for sexual purposes. Children could be targets which include repeated and unwanted contact through the Internet that is rude or threatening, by Chat rooms, instant-messaging programs and e-mail. At the same time, people send viruses to other computers that could damage or destroy the hard drive.
Parents and educators need to carefully supervise children’s activities while they are on the Internet.
Sexual predators frequently visit various chat rooms and are looking for children. These predators target likely victims; make contact; and work to develop friendship, emotional reliance and interest in sexual topics. He or she may initiate offline sexual relations quickly or spend months “grooming” the child towards a sexual relationship. Sexual predators may use material goods, such as compact disks and games, to attract children offline. There have been cases in which predators have sent children bus tickets or money to cover the cost of travel or traveled to meet children. Children of all ages have a lack of emotional maturity that can make them more susceptible to manipulation or intimidation. Also they have a strong desire for attention, validation and affection along with a lack of caution or self-preservation.
Remember to approach Internet technologies with safety in mind for our kids and communicate about the dangers of giving out personal information or meeting in person with people first met online.
We will continue with the next segment of safety for kids on Pornography Awareness. The statistics are astounding!