Indoor and Outdoor Games for Children
Children love to play games, imitate, participate with others and just have a good time. These games have the goals needed for the teacher to motivate children to use those muscles and exercise their bodies into a fun-based educational learning way through these designed games for use both outdoors and indoors. The younger child and preschool child are, thus, better equipped to play and help them socially towards their future lives.
1. Chin Balloon Tag
Procedure: Balloons are inflated and handed out to the children and placed under chins. One child is selected to be “it” and also must have a balloon under the chin. The child who is “it” at the signal tries to tag someone else. The “it” child can only tag the other child’s balloon by touching their balloon. When the tag is made, the tagged child becomes the “it” and the game continues. If a balloon bursts, that child is eliminated from the game. With continuation of the game, much energy is used.
Variation: The balloon may be carried under the arm instead of the chin or may be carried in both hands.
2. Bird Seats
Procedure: Place the name of a bird (or add a picture with the bird) in each chair formed in a circle with masking tape. When the teacher calls out the name of the bird, the child sitting in that chair must clap their hands. When the teacher says “fly,” all the children must change places and take a new seat. Variation: Instead of birds use animals and say “run” or mix both birds and animals into the game saying either “run” or “fly.”
3. Blow Bubble Blow
Procedure: The children line up and blow bubbles. The longest distance wins. See whose bubble can stay in the air the longest and not burst or see who can blow the most bubbles in the air at the same time. Variation: 5 children selected with 2 teams. The teams line up behind each other. A string is tied between two chairs and the first child from each team goes to the line and has 15 seconds to blow bubbles over the string. The team with the most bubbles going over the string wins.
4. Chain of Categories
Procedure: For the whole class, as the teacher announces a category like animals. The children respond orally as the teacher starts in the back of the room and goes child to child for a response. The teacher starts a new category like vegetables, when all the children have had a chance to respond to the first category. Variation: Divide the class into two groups and the teacher starts with one group, gives a category like ice cream flavors and has one member count the correct number of flavors. Another group creates a new category like names of children or colors.
5. Timer Hunt
Procedure: Have a timer set for 1-minute and place the timer in a given area. The children need to find the timer before the timer goes off. This may butter-up their auditory perception as they try to listen for the ticking. The teacher may place the timer behind boxes or objects. Variation: For outdoors, use a clock and set the alarm. When the children find the clock, the teacher looks at the clock to see how many minutes are left on it. There could be two teams to play this game with the least amount of minutes winning for that team. Play several rounds.
6. Clothespin Rainbow Hunt
Procedure: Mark 2 sets of clothespins with crayons so that the colors match the colors of the rainbow. Class is divided into two teams. The clothespin color must be found in order of the colors of the rainbow (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). Variation: Add other colored clothespins to see if the children will notice it does not belong with the rainbow colors.
7. Envelop Guess
Procedure: Place objects in sealed envelop. Pass envelops around the circle, one at a time and then have each child guess what they think is in it. Each child gets one guess and passes to the next child. When the child guesses correctly, the game starts again with the next child and the next envelop. The child with the most correct answers wins the game. Suggested items: stamps, penny, string, pencil, crayon, toothpick, button, pebble, paper clip, eraser, chain. Variation: Place envelops around the room and number them. The children must find envelop #1 first and then #2 second, etc and try to name the object in the envelop. Also, play the game in reverse with finding number #10 first.