Importance of Music-Time in helping Preschoolers Discover Music?
Here are a few
important reasons shared by many teachers experiences in the past:
– Dancing to music and making music releases stress and energy.
– Music gives children a way to express their emotions. They’re full of emotions they can’t express, while dancing around to music and playing rhythm instruments leads to a great way to release their energies.
– Music makes learning fun! Add music to ANY preschool lesson and being creative too, leads children into exciting and fun ways to produce.
– Learning music teaches listening skills. It encourages the ability to listen and concentrate. Songs encourage speech
and auditory discrimination. Through music, children learn to hear tempos,
dynamics, melodies listening for soft sounds, loud sounds, fast paced music and slow paced music.
– Music provides a pleasant background for regular activities.
– Music helps develop children’s language skills by singing songs, playing games, reciting poems and rhymes which help children develop those well needed early literacy skills. Keeping a steady beat helps develop language.
Clapping hands, stamping feet, and using rhythm instruments in time to music
develops important pre-reading skills. Young children recognize words, sounds,
rhythms, tones, and pitches long before they talk, sing, or dance. So, the more
music the children have in their lives, the better they will speak and read.
– Music
helps develop children’s self-esteem. Music is a wonderful way to address
the many needs of children because music is non-judgmental. There is no right
or wrong. Listening to different types of music nurtures
self-esteem and encourages creativity, self-confidence, and curiosity.
– Music
helps develop children’s math skills.
A simple song can include basic math
skills such as counting, repeating patterns, and sequencing.
– Music
helps stimulate children’s brain connections. A recent study from
the University of California found that music trains the brain for higher forms
of thinking.
– Music and movement
go together. Children
naturally respond to music.
– Music
makes transitions easier by getting
children to move to each activity.
– Music
encourages creativity in children.
– Music
is a great way to teach children with special needs, as it stimulates speech development effectively, enhances everyday concepts with much meaning, reinforces motor development, and creates a way for socialization.
– Music for all children will inspire them for a lifetime.
These are just a few thoughts of the effectiveness of music!