Excepts from Icebreaker Games for Children BJ08
Go to welearnbydoing.com and music store to order Icebreaker Games for Children. It can be sent PDF file but let me know.
are “We Learn by Doing” activities (or quick game ideas or games used “on the
spur of the moment,” which involve many areas and goals in the child’s
“everyday” life. Areas games involve:
dental health, addition, subtraction, math facts, time concepts, visual memory,
sharing and cooperating in a group, locomotors skills, hand-eye coordination,
jump roping, balancing, sharing information, spelling, tactile discrimination,
numbers, developing physical fitness, listening for directions, rhythms,
thinking, multicultural awareness, reading, promoting quickness, flexibility,
blowing, dodging, shapes, creative movement, identifying words, skipping,
running, and tagging.
Group telling time.
Procedure: Provide a large space. Two clocks are created on the floor with the
numbers only. A leader is selected to
call out different times. Two teams are
formed. The leader calls out a time like
3:30pm or 10:00am. The children from
each group must form that time correctly before the other team forms it. This is repeated several times and the
highest score wins.
Competition and gross motor exercise skills
Procedure: Have the children seated on the floor. When the music starts, the children wiggle to
the music on the floor. When the music
stops, the children must stand up and go sit in a chair. The last one to sit is eliminated from the
game and a chair is removed.