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Easy Games for Preschoolers

These activities are from Easy Games for Preschoolers Workshop
       Good Morning Activities:

Your Name

The child creates an adjective in front of their first
name with the same letter. 
Example: Hiccups Harvey.

Got A Name

Have the
children sit in a circle. The teacher demonstrates by saying his/her name and
by clapping the name at the same time. 
Then one child is selected to start by saying their name and by clapping
their name at the same time.  The
group copies that child by saying “his/her name is _____.”  Each child in the circle follows
through with their names.  The
coordination between saying the name and clapping the name comes from two
different parts of the brain and it will help coordinate the rhythms within the

Cat Name

Similar to “I’ve
Got A Name” except the child stands up says their name with an action like a
wave or a wink.  The group copies
the action and says the child’s name. 
Each child has a turn and tries to think of a new action with their name
to not copy an action already presented. 
The group learns names in a fun manner and the more times it is done,
those classmates’ names are learned.  

Story Time:  

Make up a Story

Make up a story using on, in, under,
behind, and beside. 
The teacher demonstrates the words to be used.  Children are divided in pairs.  The child on the right goes first with the story and then
the child on the left follows through with the story.  You can use props, too, like a chair or table.

Story Example: 
I see that we are on the rug.  Let’s see if we can go under the table.  I see the wall behind me.  After all that, I see who is beside

Finger Play:

One and One are Two

This is a numbers finger play song.  Start out with each pointer fingers and
say or sing “one and one are two.” 
Then show the V for victory sign or two fingers of each hand and say
“two and two is four.”  Then show 4
fingers of each hand and hide the thumbs and say “four and four is eight.”  The ending is “eight and two (show the
thumbs up for the two) are ten (show all 10 fingers).” 

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