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About Children’s Behaviors

As you can imagine, behavior problems in children
can range from the obvious of:  
hitting, pushing, yelling, fighting with peers, difficulty changing from one activity to another, sleeping problems, excessive energy levels, being unable to sit still and focus, refusal to partake in normal childhood
experiences or play, 
picky eaters, frequent tantrums, extreme sensitivities and excessive fears.

When children react with aggression towards what
was seemingly a simple request the underlying principle may be one of frustration.  If tasks they could accomplish yesterday can’t
be done today, they become angry.
 If the tasks become more difficult or
more restrictions are applied, they may react with anger.  Sometimes
subtle actions like not eating their food or bedwetting may be their response.  Sometimes more violent actions become a way of
controlling the situation.
                                                                               *It becomes clear that even if the children
can’t communicate their frustration,    they can act out the frustration and
achieve attention!  

Typically, children may misbehave because of family
difficulties, such as bereavement, illness, divorce, remarriage, school
problems, bullying, lack of confidence, problems with friends or brothers and
sisters and such like.
 There may be medical
problems such as ADHD or other rarer conditions
.  It is useful to think of bad behavior as a
sign that something is wrong.  If you
think about it, most people want to be liked and helped, not to remain angry,
hurt and isolated.

My question is “What are your strengths in
dealing with the children’s behaviors?”
  You must be “special” to the child in order to deal and help various behaviors of all kinds!  You are the “key” to their lives and to their successes?

One teacher shared: “Teachers must have personal integrity and they
must establish integrity within the classroom to accomplish the goal of effective
education and set an example for the children.”  Keep up the good work!!  It is not an easy task!!    Next time, we will look at “Power Struggles.”



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