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Indoor Games for Rainy Days

Indoor Golf -- This activity improves throwing accuracy and hand/eye coordination.  Golf usually has 18 holes but use 9 holes for this activity. Create around the classroom golf holes like hole #1-garbage can, hole #2-tile on the floor, hole #3-desk, etc.  Teacher creates the areas.  Each child is paired up.  Use beanbags and have the child stand about 2 feet away from the holes. Use masking tape as marker to stand on to toss beanbags.  Count the tosses by each pair for each hole.  Other pairs go next until the pairs are done to see who has the lowest score to win the golf tournament.

Paper Plate Disk Toss -- This activity promotes group cooperation, competition and hand/eye coordination.  Each child has paper plate and they put their name on it.  The class forms a circle with a garbage can placed in the middle.  The child at the sound of "go," tosses the paper plate into the garbage can.  If the child misses, the child goes and gets his named paper plate until all the names are in the garbage can.

What A Drag -- This activity promotes cooperation, develops strength and endurance.  Using 2 old bed sheets, a child is selected to lay on the sheet (usually the smallest one).  There are 2 groups selected.  Each group holds on the sheet but does not lift it up.  Use a large area with no obstacles in the way. The teacher says "go" and the groups drag the sheets around the room.  A gym floor would be excellent for this activity.  The children have fun and not go fast.  It is the overall experience.

Blanketball -- This activity also promotes group cooperation and just enjoying the activity.  Two sheets are used.  A sheet is held by one group and lined up next to the first sheet of players is a second sheet of players.  A nerf ball is placed on one sheet and when the teacher says "go," the ball is rolled or shaken to go on the second sheet.  It is like volleyball as the ball goes back and forth sheet to sheet.

Group Juggling -- This activity promotes group cooperation, improves hand/eye coordination and throwing accuracy.  The class stands in a circle. Several (about 5 or 6) nerf balls and soft balls are randomly handed out to the children.  The children at "go" toss the balls to other children at the same time as if juggling.

Great Shoe Strip -- This activity improves group cooperation, 

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Repeat the Rhythm

Tap out a simple rhythm and have the children repeat it back to you.  Alternatively, you can clap the rhythm or use musical instruments.

Smell and Taste:  Describe the Taste and Smell:  

Show a picture of a number of food items that include a wide variety of tastes such as jellybeans, lemons, pretzels, marshmallows, peanuts, raisins, chocolate, olives, sour apples, pickles, onions, melons, and let the children describe to you how they taste.  Record words the children use like possible words: sour, sweet, tangy, spicy, salty, bitter, yucky, etc.  Add the words to your word wall and then find out which are the children’s favorite foods.



Repeat the Rhythm.  Tap out a simple rhythm and have children repeat it back to you.  Alternatively, you can clap the rhythm or use musical instruments.

Hear:  From Arms Up Keep Moving CD (9183) check out "The Senses Song" found in


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Indoor Games

Children love to play games, imitate, participate with others, and just have a good time.   These games have the goals needed for the teacher to motivate the children to use those muscles and exercise their bodies into a fun-based educational learning way through these designed games for use both outdoors and indoors.   Here are 3 fun games:

        Balloon Laugh:

        Procedure:  Throw the balloon up in the air. The child must keep the balloon up in the air and laugh continuously. If the balloon hits the ground, the laughter stops!

        Variation:  Can use many children in groups with many balloons as everyone in the group laughs until the balloon hits the ground for the group.

       Clap and Sing Nursery Rhymes:

        Procedure:  Let the children clap their hands and sing some of the choruses from the nursery rhymes that they know like Mary Had A Little Lamb, Jack and Jill, and add other songs like Bingo, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, etc.

        Variation: Rhythms are most important in the children and so have the children clap out the rhythm of the song without singing any of the words.


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